Father’s Day History: How This Celebration For Dads Started

Here is the Father’s Day History

Father’s Day History – This is how this celebration dedicated to all the fathers in the world started and who initiated this.

If Mother’s Day is celebrated every second Sunday of May, Father’s Day is celebrated every third Sunday of June. However, the latter did not receive the same response as the former. Many people around the globe are more extravagant in celebrating the holiday for mothers than the one dedicated to all fathers.

Based on the article in History, a florist has this explanation why Mother’s Day is more popular than Father’s Day. “Fathers haven’t the same sentimental appeal that mothers have,” a florist explained.

father's day history

So how did the celebration for fathers commence? It was said that a West Virginian church explicitly organized an event for fathers on July 5, 1908.

A Sunday sermon was held in memory of the 362 men who had died in the previous December’s explosions at the Fairmont Coal Company mines in Monongah. However, that was just a one-time commemoration and it was not held as an annual holiday.

A year after that, Sonora Smart Dodd, a woman from Spokane, Washington, who was one of six children raised by a widower, made an effort to establish an official celebration for men, an official equivalent to Mother’s.

Dodd went to local churches, the YMCA, shopkeepers, and government officials to ask for support for his idea. Fortunately, she was successful. The Washington State celebrated the first statewide Father’s Day on June 19, 1910, in the USA.

Eventually, the celebration circulated. President Thomas Woodrow Wilson honored this day by using telegraph signals to unfurl a flag in Spokane when he pressed a button in Washington, D.C.

When President Calvin Coolidge was leading the country, he ordered the state governments to observe Father’s Day.

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